PID Series Inks

PID series is two part reaction ink developed for insert/in-mold forming on Polycarbonate, PET, PP etc. The ink can produces good adhesion, flexibility and heat resistance applicable for making a key pad film of mobile phone parts, home appliances, etc.

Ink type Two part reaction polyester ink (available for air-drying)
Finish Gloss
Usage Mainly Polycarbonate and PET for insert/in-mold forming Good adhesion, flexibility and heat resistance suitable for forming process
Solvent T-926 (standard solvent)
Mixing ratio PID hardener: by weight Ink: PID Hardener = 100 : 20 *Pot life is about 6~8 hours after mixing with hardener
Wash-up T-905 or T-31
Screen mesh Tetron or Nylon 250~350 are recommended
Drying 80°C x 30min is recommended
Test Conditions
Material Polycarbonate plate
Ink PID120, 710
Curing 30 minutes in 60°C, followed by 1 day in room temperature.
PID Ink Film Test Results

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